This healthy green smoothie is real fast food, as you can whip it up in 5 minutes. Loaded with fresh, wholesome ingredients like spinach, avocado, banana, apple and coconut water...
Homemade granola – simple, versatile, and packed with flavour! This recipe combines oats, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and a touch of maple syrup for a delicious addition...
This green pea soup is such a great, healthy starter or dinner that you can prepare and serve in almost no time. Made with a few simple ingredients like butter, vegetable stock...
This simple and delicious chia pudding is the perfect option for a healthy breakfast that you can prepare the night before. The recipe uses only a few ingredients and it’s so easy to make...
Today’s recipe is an easy and delicious roasted stuffed butternut squash, filled with ground pork, chickpeas, and kidney beans, seasoned with rosemary and oregano. This appealing dish...
Today’s recipe is a quick pumpkin smoothie inspired by the best autumn flavours. This simple, dairy-free recipe uses only a few ingredients and can be whipped up in a few minutes...
Looking for a quick snack you can enjoy on a busy day? Here you go! These super simple oatmeal cookies with cranberries are tasty and satisfying. And you can make them in almost no time...
This healthy, baked oatmeal is the perfect breakfast recipe, that the whole family will love. It actually tastes more like a dessert than a regular breakfast. It’s sweet and delicious. Made with...
This creamy, delicious roasted red pepper and white bean dip is packed with protein and nutrients. Such a great way to start the new week with this super healthy snack...
How often do you prepare a sweet breakfast? I quite often crave something sweet from the very morning. But, this is not a problem anymore! I have a delicious recipe that you can eat...