Today I’ve got for you a delicious, healthy snack that you can spread on bread, and serve with your favourite fresh vegetables, crackers or oatmeal cookies. This simple recipe is a creamy...
I have a great idea for a light summer dinner or snack – roasted corn with aromatic garlic butter and fresh parsley. It takes less than 30 minutes to prepare, and the result is definitely worth trying.
Are you in search of a straightforward yet satisfying meal? Try the sweet potato and feta cheese salad—a delicious blend of salty, creamy cheese and sweet potatoes....
This simple, quick pear salad is a perfect option for lunch as you can whip it up in less than 30 min. And you won’t believe how delicious this classic combination is! Just think about that fresh pear...
Do you like summer salads with fruit accents? I like them a lot! That’s why today I’m sharing with you one of my favourite foolproof recipes. Chicken and mango salad - impresses with both...
The best orange dessert recipe – a crunchy oat crust, thick cashew cream, and refreshing orange top layer. This recipe is vegan and gluten-free, so easy to make and so satisfying...
This easy banana cake with blueberries is a perfect recipe if you are craving a sweet, moist, and super soft cake. It’s a frequent guest in our kitchen. Primarily because it’s the best way...
Sweet potatoes stuffed with turkey is an easy recipe for a healthy, tasty dinner that the whole family will love. It’s a balanced, nutritious, and protein-rich meal that can be prepared...
This earthy, rich in flavour, simple mushroom soup is perfect when you need a bowl of warm soup for lunch or dinner. The recipe is uncomplicated and uses only a few pantry...